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How to Wash Kr8tiva Braided Wigs?
Step 1: Pre-wash
You’ll want to use your fingers to gently comb through any tangles. It’s best to start from the bottom and work your way up toward the roots.
Step 2: Rinse
The next step involves getting your wig wet. Remember to be gentle with the lace. Place your wig under the faucet and use cool to lukewarm water to fully submerge it. After rinsing, gently remove the excess water with your hands and get ready to shampoo
Step 3: Shampoo
Place a small amount of shampoo into your hands and stroke the hair from roots to ends, be gentle when it comes to shampooing
To remove the shampoo, run cool water from the base down to the bottom of the hair. Once you’ve gotten rid of the shampoo and the water runs clear, use a towel to gently blot the hair before applying conditioner.
Step 4: Condition
Now you’re ready to condition. Just like the shampoo, you’ll want to use a wig-approved hydrating conditioner. Work a small dab into the wig, starting at the bottom. Gently massage through the braids with your fingers keeping the conditioner away from the base of the wig. You can let most conditioners set for up to 15 minutes but follow the directions on the bottle. Once the time’s up, run cold water from the top of the wig down to the ends of the strands, making sure you fully get rid of all the conditioner before blotting it dry and hanging it to air dry. After your wig is dried, you are good to go.